Teesside Musical Theatre Company

ACTIVITIESThe company (formerly known as Teesside Operatic Society) has some 70 members, and mounts one main musical theatre production each year.
MEMBERSHIPRehearsals are held at Langdon Square Community Centre, Coulby Newham,TS8 0TF, on Monday nights.

Prospective new members should contact the Secretary Norma Phillips on 07906 123119

Friends of TMTC (£5 single or couple) receive advance notice of productions with an early booking form. Please contact Dan Matuszak on 07729 332258 if you wish to become a Friend.
EVENTSMiddlesbrough Town Hall Crypt
Tuesday 25th to Friday 28th March 2025 at 7.00pm
Saturday 29th March at 1.00pm and 6.00pm

Disney's "Beauty and the Beast - The Musical"

Prices and booking details here
Last update: 15 Sep 2024