Contact us

Contact us

  • All amateur groups and societies putting on concerts and shows in and around Teesside are very welcome to e-mail their material to the Site Editor to use this free service, first launched in 2000.
  • The Site Editor publishes what he is sent in good faith, but does not go looking for material (even on a Society’s own web-site). It is simply too onerous to keep checking lots of websites just in case some may have changed. You must keep the e-mails coming to keep your page up-to-date.
  • The Site Editor imposes a uniform house style and manages the Concert Diary.  This displays every event on one page in chronological order.  The site is “text-only” as a matter of policy, to preserve speedy access, so no pictures, sound clips or videos are allowed.
  • Societies should initially send their own background data – eg type/size of group, typical events, rehearsal times and venues, contact details for prospective new members, society web-site, etc. It is important this is kept under review, as the Site Editor does not change it except on request.
  • Then societies should send details of all their future events, including as much or as little detail as required. This should always include date, start-time, and place. You can then add works to be performed, soloists, ticket prices, how and where to obtain tickets, charities supported, etc, as time goes by.
  • The site also displays the details of one-off concerts, especially for charity, even if not arranged by one of the regular Societies.  Just contact the Site Editor with the details.
  • Please send your material as far ahead as possible, even if only to announce a date. In this way the site can act as a Claiming Date Service – but only so long as all societies look at the Concert Diary in good time!

Please note the material on this site is published in good faith, but is reliant on Societies to advise of any alterations.  You should always check a Society’s own website for the latest information.  Please mention the TEESMUSIC website in your publicity material and programmes.   Thank you.