Welcome to TeesMusic

NB This latest update of TeesMusic dates from 14 Oct 2024

TeesMusic brings together forthcoming events planned by amateur choirs, orchestras, chamber music or opera societies, bands, etc, in and around Teesside (UK).  Every group has its own Society Page, containing membership contact details, rehearsal times, its own website and social media links if available, and details of all future concerts or shows.  The Concert Diary page then displays all registered events in chronological order, with a link for each event to the appropriate Society Page.

TeesMusic depends on each Society e-mailing the Site Editor periodically to keep their own Page up-to-date  –  see the Contact us page.  New Societies are always welcome to join, and one-off charity events can also be included.

I do hope Societies and audiences find this a useful resource.  Please publicise this TeesMusic website in your concert programmes and forward the link to your musical friends as well. Thank you
Tom Banfield

NB The separate Tees Music Facebook page at https://www.facebook.com/musicteesvalley/ is aimed at musical children along with their parents and music teachers.  It publicises local events involving young musicians, and has no direct connection with this Concerts website  –  there is of course room for both sites.  If you have suitable material to post there please email zhanmusi@hotmail.com